My hair was so long that often it would get stuck between my crutches and armpit. So one night I had had enough. The Hubby jokingly said he would cut my hair. I said fine, do it. Once he realized I was serious he looked up a couple of things on Google and set to work. He did a pretty decent job. There were a few sessions of oops this side is longer so it got chopped a little more then he planned but I didn't care. I could now hobble around without pulling my hair every 5 hobbles. Here is the next day. I have no clue what face I was making but you can see the haircut.
Since I could now hobble around on my crutches without ripping my hair our and I was no longer worried about getting sand in my cast and it being stuck there we went to the beach. The kids played and collected shells while I sat there sifting through shells in one spot.
So The Hubby and Cat Boy went to the store and I was sitting on the couch watching the Bears game. All of the sudden I head this LOUD thump and see a flurry of white out the window. I look out the window and see Bubbles surrounded by falling feathers. Apparently she had pounced on a bird. LOL We try not to let her out but sometimes she is faster then us. She has a bell on her collar so that usually alerts prey to her approach but this bird must not have heard her. I grabbed The Boy and we went outside to look for the bird. We looked under the RV, on top of the RV, and all around. Nothing. So it must have gotten away. When The Hubby got home he went to look around a bit more but didn't see it anywhere either.
The Hubby and the Boys went to the beach one day while I sat with Princess in the RV as she napped. I got a call that when she got up I needed to come down and see the castle The Hubby had made. Apparently Cat Boy had told him that there was no way he could make a castle in the sand with just his hands. So The Hubby had to prove him wrong. So he sat there for a couple hours with the boys helping him building his castle. He even checked on it for the next few days and it was still there!
The RV park has an outdoor water park that is closed this time of year. They also have an inside pool that has a kiddie pool and hot tub. I took the boys a few times to watch them swim since I still could not swim. They loved it there and it was pretty neat at night. IT was cold for them walking back to the RV at night so they usually ran back and left me to hobble back on my own.
My foot had started to bug me sometimes. I think I was walking more then normal now that I Had the boot on. I still was not putting any weight on it but I think it still could move more in the boot then the cast. It was almost like the bottom of my foot would cramp up. Especially at night. Since it was wrapped at night I would have to take everything off and massage the bottom of my foot and then wrap myself back up. I woke up a few times a night to do this. I was always sure to put some deep relief on it and it seemed to help the muscle relax for longer then when I forgot to put it on. As my cup says, Oils are Everything!
The boys have been doing good getting back on track with school after Christmas break. Here you can see The Boy working on Time4Learning.
One of the great things about Myrtle Beach is they have a Krispy Kreme! NUMMY! I am not a huge doughnut fan but you put some HOT, FRESH Krispy Kreme doughnuts in front of me and I will go to TOWN! As you can see Princess feels the same way! LOL That face cracks me up! Of course after scarfing on doughnuts there is nothing better then a cuddle in bed with Monkey.
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