Thursday, November 20, 2014

Here comes the bride....

In August we went to Ohio to go to the wedding reception of The Hubby's cousin. We stopped in KY first to the in-laws house and stayed there for a bit then we all went over to Ohio. Leah and Michael had gotten married on the beach earlier in the year, so this was just a party to celebrate.

It was outside at a local venue right next to the train tracks which Cat Boy and Monkey LOVED. Cat Boy counted all the cars in each train that passed and then would run over to me to tell me how many cars that train had. He couldn't believe that many of them were over 100 cars.

They had a live band that played and Princess was very happy about that. She loves music and loves dancing. When she wasn't dancing she was busy decorating the sidewalk with rocks. She would grab a handful, drop it on the cement, get another handful, drop it next to the last pile and so on and so on. I have no clue what she was doing but if a section got kicked back onto the ground she would go put the rocks back.

The boys spent their time playing in the field with by a big pile of dirt. When Princess was to tired to keep rocking we all went back to the hotel and The Hubby and the in-laws took the boys swimming while I put Princess to bed.

Leah looked beautiful in her dress and we were glad we were able to go. I wish I had taken a picture of what they had everyone sign, it was a piece of tree stump in the shape of a heart. It was super cute.
Princess rocking out
Dancing with daddy
All the little cousins
Redecorating with rocks
Cat Boy counting the train cars
Princess running a muck
Cute wedding favors
Princess dancing with the bride

On the way home from Ohio we stopped at New River Gorge in West Virginia. It was so beautiful! It was a quick 2 min walk from where we parked to the overlook and there was also a playground and bathrooms there. It was a great little stop for us to stretch our legs and get some wiggles out before we continued our drive home.
4 little ducks all in a row
Cat Boy
Princess had to look too
The Boy, Princess mad she is not running, me, and Monkey

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Random fun

So a friend of mine recomended we try Chuey's for dinner. So we decided to check it out. It is a cute little mexican chain where they make the tortilla's where you can watch and all the kids meals come with a push pop for dessert. The first time we went there The Hubby ordered the "Bigger then your face"" burrito. Cat Boy found this hilarious and it was not long before he asked to go back so he could order it. So we went and he ordered it. When it came he of course had to measure his face to the burrito to see if it was true, he was so excited it was indeed as big as his face!                                                                                         

Look mom it IS as big as my face!
 The Hubby went to the store one day to get stuff to wash the cars and the RV since are parked under a bunch of pine trees and it is really dusty that the RV park. All the kids wanted to help out but The Boy and Cat Boy were just interested in using the hose. Monkey however wanted to help with the actual work.So him and The Hubby worked hard scrubbing away. The other two boys did eventually help some but Monkey was defiantly the big helper of the day.
Monkey scrubbing the dirt off the boarders. 

We invited everyone over one night for some S'mores and fun. We were finishing up a round of Bingo at the RV park (we won 4 games woohoo) so everyone met us up at the front. We played some ping pong for a bit before heading back to the RV. The Hubby had gone back with Cat Boy to get the fire started so it was ready by the time we got there. We all sat around enjoying the fire and stuffing ourselves with S'mores and roasted marshmallows.

The Boy got a microscope for science. He was so excited to use it as soon as Princess went down for a nap we got it out. He spent her whole nap looking at stuff. We did the stuff for a science lesson (some onion skin and celery) and then he spent the rest of the time looking at whatever he could think of. We did hair, spit, a popsicle stick, cotton ball, and I don't even remember what else. He was bummed when Princess woke up so I told him he could play again when she went to bed. I had barely gotten out of the kids room after putting her to bed when he asked if he could use it again. LOL So we took it out and he played for another 2ish hours. He told me the other day he wants to be a scientist when he grows up and invent stuff. He really does love science.

My niece works at Cicic's so we went to visit her one day. Of course I had to take her picture and embarrass her. :) The kids loved it there and my step-mom seemed to enjoy her self as well. I remembered the brownies being much better the last time we went though that had to have been 5+ years ago. The Hubby and I didn't feel so good later that night so I am pretty sure we will not be going back.

Saturday, November 8, 2014


So we had a few birthday's since my last post. First, we had my Uncle Rob's birthday. The family got together and we did dinner and games at Dave and Busters. Despite the HORRID waiter we had we all had a great time. We played a 4 way game of air hockey which was a ton of fun. Uncle Rob lost to Monkey in a racing game, and snuck in a last second win against The Boy.
 My sister brought cupcakes and shared some with Princess, oh the mess. I am pretty sure that dress is still yellow in spots from the frosting but man did she like it.
Princess and the cupcake

 The next birthday that we celebrated was that of our dear friend Maddux. We drove back to MD for this one as we would not have missed it for anything. The kids had an absolute blast playing at the jump house and seeing all their friends again. We have THE best group of home school friends anyone could ask for and we all miss them bunches. After the jumping we went to the birthday boy's house for some pizza, cake, and fun. We ended up staying WAY later then I thought but I still had to drag the kids to the van, the would have stayed for days. 

Last but not least was my birthday. The Hubby had arranged a dinner out with all my family at P.F. Changs. It was a great idea but we both agreed after we should of done something else. The food was amazing as always and it was great to have everyone there but Princess was in a horrid mood and for 95% of the dinner one of us had her outside running up and down the sidewalk. We have now learned she HATES high chairs and insists on sitting in a chair or at the booth like a big girl, she will not even use a booster. I think a big reason is because in the RV we do not have space for a highchair so she either sits at the table or eats on the go. Oh well, live and learn. Anyway, the restaurant was at an outdoor mall so after dinner we walked around a bit to walk off some dinner and let the kids get out some energy. While walking we came across a fountain that is flat with the ground for playing in! Of course the kids wanted to play so we let them. It took a while till they got wet as they were trying to avoid the water coming up from the holes. Cat Boy was the first one to get hit. Soon, him and Monkey were SOAKED! The Boy was holding back but finally gave in. I think that was my favorite part of my birthday, just watching them play and laugh and have fun. This is why we did this, to be able to see new things even if it is just a fountain in the dark at the mall. My phone was dead so I didn't get any pictures except for on Cat Boy's DS but there they stay.