Thursday, October 20, 2016

Cleaning the shower with my oils

So our shower has that rough pebble bottom that seems to attract dirt and hold it there forever. No matter how much I scrub it I can't get it clean. So I decided to make some homemade soft scrub. If you know me at all you know I try and use as few harsh chemicals as possible. Especially since we moved into the rv. Everything is just so much smaller in here I feel all the icky fumes and such just are more concentrated. So I grabbed my oils, the other ingredients I needed and mixed away. 

Better than Soft Scrub

2 heaping Tbs of Baking Soda
3-4 Tbs of Hydrogen Peroxide (depending on desired thickness)
1 tsp of Castile Soap
3-4 drops of Lemon Essential Oil

1. Blend the oils into the baking soda to help keep them from floating on the surface of the liquids. 
2. Add castile soap and mix to paste.
3. Add the hydrogen peroxide until you get the thickness you want. this will depend on the surface you are using it on. 

Apply to surface using a cloth or soft bristle brush. run into the surface. Rinse clean. For tougher stains leave it sit for 5-10 minutes. 

That is the recipe I used. It doesn't make a lot so if you have a big area I would double it. I will double it next time I do the shower floor. 

All my goodies

The before. It was hard to get a good shot but trust me, ICK!

MUCH better. Not perfect but 95% better. I think another dose will get it all. 

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