Monday, September 19, 2016

Milk Soapberry

So my in-laws were up for the weekend and my mother-in-law wanted to check out this little town called Linden TN. It has taken some older buildings and shops and started making them into little B and B's. So we piled in the van and headed over there before hitting up Franklin. It was a really small town with just a few shops on Main Street but we parked and got out to walk around anyway. We walked past this little shop, Milk Soapberry, and I paid no attention to it. I didn't need soap. Well on the way back past it I noticed the display in the window. Was that CONTAINERS?!?!?! Like for making things with OILS?!!?!? Could it really be? So I got all excited and went in. OMG IT WAS REAL! There was a store with all sorts of bottles for storing homemade things using my Young Living oils. Now if you know anything about me you know I am BEYOND obsessed with my oils and I love making things from them. Well it is hard next to impossible to find containers in person and often Amazon has more then I need or I am not sure of the size unless I can see it in person. So I was in Heaven. 

The front of the store

 Just look at all the goodness. Dropper bottles, DEODORANT containers (I got a big and a travel size. It is soooooo tiny and cute), spray bottles, hand soap containers, lip balm containers, and more. She also had a bunch of ingredients that I have only seen on Amazon and her prices were great. I got some grapeseed oil and arrowroot powder. She had a few things I would have loved to get like beeswax but it was out of stock. She had carrier oils, and shae butter, and and and. I would LOVE to have a place like this local to me. 

 She of course has a bunch of home made soaps and all the things to make your own soaps as well. It was a cute little store and well worth the drive if you are in the area. If not, you can order from her website as well. I just love helping out little local stores. 

My precious Look at all the things. 

See what I mean? The travel size is BEYOND cute! 

Hand soap bottle and my cute Azure skirt from LLR.

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