Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Product Review: Tens Unit Electronic Pulse Monitor

Right before Princess was born The Hubby hurt his back bowling. He had just gotten a new ball and was practicing during his lunch break. HE moved just the wrong way during a shot and immediately felt the pain. Turns out he had herniated 2 disks and had one bulging. It took a while but with PT he slowly got better. One of his favorite things in PT was when they used an electron tens machine to zap him. One day his back was really bugging him and he was thinking about that wonderful machine. So he decided to see if they sold them in stores. Turns out they do! So he ran down to Walgreen's and got one. As soon as he started it he was in love! This is the one we got and it was worth every penny.

He has used it many times since then and really loves it. He has used it on me a few times too if my back is bugging me. This sucker really zaps you good if you turn it up high enough. It is great for sore muscles where ever you have them. You can get new pads at the store or on Amazon. Of course you should always consult your doctor before using something like this. I could not find the same one on Amazon but this one looks really close. Note: The link below is an affiliate link. If you click on the link and order this product I will receive a tiny amount of money.

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