Wednesday, July 22, 2015

My first week in a cast

So Monday rolled around finally and I was able to get in to get a cast. I was also smacked with the news that I would be in a hard cast for at least 8 weeks, maybe more with NO weight bearing. I was given the option of having surgery and having a pin put in. I called my step-sister to ask her opinion because she has broken herself more then anyone I know. (Love ya sis!) She said if it were her she would avoid surgery so we went ahead and went with the cast. I was also told after the cast I would be in a book for a few weeks with no weight bearing as well. This meant we would be stuck in Myrtle Beach for a couple months since The Hubby drives the bug van towing the trailer and I drive his car which is a stick. There was no way I could drive.

Since I was broken the kids helped out on occasion on their own. (Very RARE ocasion but they did help out some. More often of not it was after I lost my cool. Not proud of it but hey, it happens.)

We didn't go out much but we did venture to the mall one weekend. We got me a wheelchair and I held Princess most of the time. She did get down a few times to walk with her brothers. We also went to see Santa. Monkey was the only one to talk to him since Princess fell asleep in line and the other 2 boys didn't want to talk to him. All in all it was a good outing. The Hubby wasn't thrilled with pushing me. Apparently it was a little low and some areas with carpet made it tough. We made it through though and were grateful it wasn't super busy since it was just a couple weeks till Christmas.

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