Saturday, August 17, 2013


So today The Boy and The Hubby are out sailing. They are doing the mixed couples race which is a little over 10 miles up the Patuxent River. When they get there there is a little raft up which they might hang out at if the rain stays away. Last year was the first year they did this race together and got there in about an hour and a half. They didn't time themselves officially because they were not a mixed gender team but afterwords it was decided that a kid sailing would count. After all having an 8yo as your crew was not an advantage. LOL This year he is 9 so still not an advantage. I sailed this with The Hubby 2 years ago and it was HOT with no wind. We were gone about 11 hrs. It was NOT fun. The weather today looks perfect. Here are some shots of them from Thursday Night Racing 2 nights ago.

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