Monday, May 19, 2008

Chef The Boy the pizza maker

For dinner tonight we made homemade pizza. I made the dough in the bread machine and then The Boy helped me shape it and make them. He got out his little roller and tried to roll out the dough but it was not going to well. We Tried to toss it like the big timers but anyone who knows me knows how that turned out. LOL We managed to stretch them into a good size and went on the top them.

The top pizza is the cheese on mommy and daddy's pizza. The Boy decided him and Cat Boy wanted orange cheese only. He did a lot of the work himself slicing the onions for daddy's pizza and using the chop chop for the garlic. However he wanted me to smash it with the knife to take off the skins.
Here are the pizzas before they were baked. On the left is the cheddar cheese and garlic pizza for the kiddos and on the right is the sausage, garlic, and onion pizza for mommy and daddy. Below are the finished products!
Of course we had to get a shot of everyone enjoying the meal made by Chef The Boy!

1 comment:

Ya Ya/ Marcia said...

So how many bags did it take to make Eric and Williams Pizza?