So Cat Boy was outside playing one day and apparently forgot how to walk. Walking is tricky, I have issues with it often. (We will cover that in another post). Anyway, he fell and scraped his legs pretty good. By the time I got outside to him, about 15 seconds after the scream, his one leg was already changing colors. He was upset but not overly so, which was pretty good considering his past history. He has Anxiety so often times he thinks the sky is falling. He fell at King's Dominion once, scraping his knee and as we waited for a person from First Aid he had a full blown attack saying he was drying, and his heart hurt, ect. We got through it pretty well, but I am pretty sure the teen employee that was waiting with us was a bit freaked out. LOL Anyway, he fell and I got him inside, cleaned him up, and put some Young Living Lavender on his legs. Within minutes the color had returned to normal. I applied it a few more times that day and by bed time it looked SO much better. I LOVE this stuff. The kids call it my magic oils, and I really do agree. If you would like some more info on oils or want to get a kit for yourself you can find info on this blog post.
Young Living
The kids, (and me too) had been counting down the days until King's Dominion started all their Halloween stuff. We had made sure to go a few times before it officially started so we could see stuff as they put it up. This really helped Cat Boy not have anxiety over the unknown. During the day till 5pm it is all kid friendly. They have some super fun stuff in the kids area. They had a petting zoo, foam bubble pit, pumpkin decorating, trick-or-treat stations, a maze, and more. Then after 5 they make it all spooky. They have workers dressed up, haunted houses, fog machines, ect. The boys wanted to go at night so I went ahead and took them on opening night while The Hubby stayed home with Princess. I was pretty sure we would not even make it into the front gate before Cat Boy wanted to go home. However he did better then I thought. His progress really amazed me sometimes! They made a special map for the Halloween Haunt that showed where all the spooky stuff was which was super helpful. We studied the map, went the way that took us through the kids area so there was nothing spooky, and made it to a stage to watch a really cool show where people did tricks on a trampoline, walked up walls, ect. After the show we tried to go see some other stuff but there was fog everywhere and Cat Boy was NOT about to go walk through fog. After all fog means spooky, and people jumping out at you and that was NOT on his list of fun (mine either if we are being perfectly honest). So we decided to head back the way we came and grab a funnel cake on the way out. We found a store ont he way that had everything lit up with blacklights and light balls so we played there for a bit. While eating the funnel cake we watched a man dressed up as a bush jump out and scare people. It was SO much fun. The people that screamed the loudest were the biggest MEN! The Boy also decided that was his new dream job....he was going to grow up and be, A BUSH!
The next day the whole family went during the day. We did all the activities they had to do and had a blast. The favorite was by far the pit full of bubbles. The bobbles were really cool. They didn't make a big soapy mess when you played with them. The kids decided that we needed one of these little bubble pit contraptions. Hey, it would make bath time a TON more fun! It was so much fun we ended up going a few more times before it ended. We even ran into some friends one day from the RV park. The boys really loved that and they had fun riding some rides with them while I enjoyed some adult conversation.
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