Thursday, September 12, 2013

King Cluck part 2

I know you are all waiting on the edge of your seats to see how King Cluck is doing! We forgot to check on him after a week, and didn't get around to changing him till about a week and a half after we started. I think part of me made myself forget because I was scared that I would open up the bag and we would all pass out from the smell. So we brought it down and all held our breath. I think I was the first one to breath, and was happy that all I could smell was the rubbing alcohol. So we took him out (ok ok there was no WE, it was ALL me, the kids were not touching him, no matter what!) and brushed him off.

 I asked the kids if they wanted to don a glove and tough him but they all said no. I couldn't get either of our ABA therapists to touch him either. In fact I am pretty sure Mrs. J would of been in the other room in I had not made her take pictures! She is having mixed feelings between being amazed by this and freaked out. LOL  He is definitely getting tougher feeling. The breast is the softest part on him, but still does not give much when you push on him, and his winds are pretty dried out already. I can't wait to see what he looks and feels like next time.

We then mixed up another mixture of salt and baking soda and covered him all over again. There he will sit for another couple of weeks. (Yeah, yeah, I know it should be checked in one week but it has already been over a week since we did the first check.) I have kinda checked him and the mixture does not look that we so I have not been in a huge rush.

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