Thursday, February 28, 2008

A week without daddy

The Hubby is out of town this week. He is in Texas from Monday to Friday afternoon. As we all know the laws of life mean that when daddy is away things will go nuts. He left a little after 6am and when I got up and went to get water at about 8am I noticed the fridge was broken. Everything was thawed out. It had been acting weird and I had called the landlord and he had not yet gotten back to me. So I called and let him know what was going on. Of course I lost ALL my food that was not in the chest freezer and I had JUST been shopping. So Tuesday the fridge gets fixed and I pack the 3 boys up and we go shopping. The trip when better then I thought it would. Usually I leave the older boys with daddy and just take Monkey but that was not an option. Cat Boy was in a good mood, Monkey slept in the wrap, and The Boy was my helper. When we got home I was bringing in the food and Monkey started to cry (he was hungry) and Cat Boy went up to give him his paci while The Boy went to Cat Boy and helped him take off his coat and shoes and put them away for me! I swear they really know when mommy just needs a little extra help! These boys just amaze me sometimes. Overall they have been good this week. Sure they have had their moments but nothing more then usual. It is just a little harder knowing there is no one to come "relieve" you at 6 or at least another adult to help out at night when everything seems to go nuts at the same time.
Cat Boy and Monkey are doing fine with daddy being gone but The Boy is more aware of it this time so we have been talking about how many "sleeps" we have before daddy gets home. Last night The Boy asked to go to bed at about 6:45 and I am not sure if he was tired or just wanted to get one more sleep in so daddy will be home sooner because he kept talking about how many sleeps he had left as I was tucking him in. Then again I am left to wonder if he misses daddy or just needs help with the pencils on Simpson's LOL!
The Boy also has been eating so much latley! He has been a "picky" eater since he was about 18 months old. Basically the only meat he would eat was breaded chicken and breaded fish. Well for the last 2 weeks he has been trying anything! I am so excited! In fact Tuesday night I made liver, onions, and bacon and he gobbled it up! The first beef he has eaten in almost 2 years! Today I pulled out his kids cook book and he asked to make an omlet! I let him know it was eggs and he still wanted it. This kid has an obsession with eggs EXCEPT eating them. But we made it and he ate that too! Over the last 2 weeks he has eaten SOOOOO many new things! He even ASKS to eat them! I am just so over the moon that he has finally grown out of this picky eater stage. We never pushed it knowing it would pass in good time. It took 2 1/2 years but it finally did. It was hard at times but we just kept going with it. Well off to go scrounge up something for dinner before Cat Boy comes downstairs and starts eating anything in site. LOL

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