The Boy loves fried rice. I mean LOVES. As in, will lick EVERY. SINGLE. GRAIN. off his plate. It's a sickness really. Though I should just be happy his rice does not
The boys left their closet open one day. All four kids share the same closet. Princess and Money have their clothes that are not hung up on the bottom shelf. She took this opportunity to bring me as many clothes as possible to put on her, at the SAME time. So yeah, that was funny. She walked around in her many, many, layers for hours that day. In the first picture she is standing in the doorway with some of our clothes she had been carrying around too. She didn't want them on, she just carried them. Picture two is the amended outfit after a diaper change and for nap time. Apparently the footie jammies were just to much for nap time. Oh and if you are looking for a great travel bed option for your little one we LOVE our KidCo Peapod Plus Portable Bed. We had a problem with it at one point and the company was AMAZING and sent us a new one right away. For FREE! I would highly recommend it and the KidCo company (And yes that is an affiliate link) KidCo Peapod Plus Portable Bed - Kiwi
So while at breakfast one day at the office of the RV park the kids and I were talking to the front desk lady. We got to talking about snow and I mentioned I grew up outside Chicago. Turns out she did too....then it turned out we grew up in the same area....and went to the same high school....and graduate the SAM YEAR! I mean really what are the odds of that? SHOUT OUT JEN! So needless to say we spent a lot of morning eating and talking. So one day she told the kids she would give them $1 if they would go all the way in the pool. Now, the hot tub is heated but the pool is NOT. It hadn't been filled very long and it was November, so it was like an ICE BATH. The older boys wanted no part of it but Monkey was all over it if she would up it to $5. So she did. So later that day we got our suits on and Monkey went to do the challenge. Now I ended up taking about 4 different videos and he never did do it. Once he did dunk the very top of his head in for about half a second but then ran screaming to the hot tub. LOL This is the main video I took though. Good times, good times.
Princess learned how to turn on the radio in the rig. So she would (and still does) turn it on and make people dance with her. FOREVER. Really, she rotates through people till she gets bored. She NEVER gets bored.....we eventually all just collapse or try 50 things to distract her. This girl really loves to dance. Picture one is her and The Boy dancing, picture two is a shirt I had to get her because of the reaction when we stop dancing with her, or really any time she does not get what she wants, or thinks she might not get what she wants, or food is cooking, or the fan in the car is on, or, well you get the picture. It says My name is Princess Fussy-Pants and the shirt isn't lying.
Meet Tongue. He is a cat that Cat Boy HAD to have when we were at the mall one day. So The Hubby went back and got it for him as a birthday present. Cat Boy took this picture of him. I just had to share because it's to cute. Next we have my old Care Bears! My mom kept them from when I was little and used them for her daycare kids. Monkey and I had been watching Care Bears so I asked her to send them to me. Princess loves them and plays with them all the time. In picture three you can even see one must not be feeling well. She is putting some Young Living oil on it. She knows what is good for her Care Bears. The last picture is of a panda at BJ's. No, we did not buy it! We don't have the room. She did however hug it and talk to it all through the store. She was just fine when we put it back at the end of our trip. I was hard to do because she like him and he was soooooooooo soft.
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