So on the weekends we tended to go out to malls to try and get some Christmas shopping done. This particular trip was to
Broadway at the Beach It is a nice outside mall with a lot of restaurants and shops. When it is peak season they also have a little carnival there for the kiddos. It looks like it is a very happening place during the summer and at night. They also have MagiQuest, the Ripley's aquarium, mini golf, a wax museum, and SO much more. We had to call a guy to rent a wheelchair since they do not have them there. So be aware of that if someone in your party needs one. We had a good time walking around (or being pushed around) and bought a few things. They had a store full of hot sauces so The Boy was loving it. We had a good time but had to leave as the sun started to go down because it was getting quite chilly out. I so wanted to be farther south by this point but it was better then being in Maryland.
Two weeks after I got my cast on I went in to get it checked out. The removed the old cast, x-rayed me, and put on a new cast. The bone was healing nicely so that was good. I had asked the lady to alternate my cast with red and white to look like a candy cane but she just did plain red. She didn't do a very good job either and the back of my ankle was sharp and by the end of the two weeks actually had a hole in it because it was to thin. I almost went back after a day to have them redo it but didn't want to be bothered so I just dealt with it.
I just want to share this picture with you. We went to leave on day and we saw a beautiful rainbow. I love that it was just days before Christmas and we were on the beach, in semi-warm weather, and seeing something so pretty. We really are so lucky to be able to follow our dreams like this and moments like this just prove that.
So my wonderful sponsor with
Young Living Crystal, send me some presents. One of these items was a preally nice diffuser necklace. You put some oil on a little felt pad and put it inside the necklace. Then you can breath in your oils all day. I use peace and calming in it mostly because, well, 4 kids. So Princess had stole it one day and it was in the kids bedroom. Aparently Monkey had it and was swinging it and let go. It went flying and landed on the prongs of their DS charger that was only half plugged into the wall. I was sitting on the coucha nd saw the flash out of the corner of my eye but just thought it was one of them messing with their light. About a minute later Money brings my necklace out to show me it broke. I tried to ask him how and then finally understood was he was saying. I ran back there as fast as I could with a broken foot and turned off the power to the RV on my way. The Hubby was of course gone but I called him and he was on his way home. Nothing was hot and there was no smoke so I knew that was a good sign. He got home, removed the cover and checked all the wires. Everything was thankfully fine but man did it take a long time for my heart to start beating back to normal. You can see all the charred stuff and what the necklace looked like after and before. LOL
It was fianlly time to decorate for Christmas. We got a teeny tiny tabletop tree for the table and bought some foam ornaments to decorate. We left our big bin of ornaments with my Uncle Rob when we left. I might go grab some next time I visit for next year but probably not. I kinda like all the homemade ones we did. My mom had also sent us all her
Stik-ees window clings a couple years ago. I brought them all because they are small and don't take up a lot of space. But there are so many we can really decorate everything. She has had them since at least the 90's if not the 80's so they REALLY REALLY last. We love them and I know you would too. Princess had lots of fun redecorating them all the time. LOL We also put up lights along the bunk beds and some in our room to make it a tad more festive. The kids loved it. They were a bit sad our tree was small but were happy we still had one.
So The Hubby was needing to get a passport. He new he was going to be needing a picture taken and so he decided to make a beard cream to help make his facial
pins hair look nicer and softer. Apparently me complaining that it stabs me when he kisses me wasn't motivation enough. But a picture was. Whatever, I don't really care as long as I can kiss him and not need first aid after. So he took some tips from some other oily husbands on a boys only facebook group for males counterparts of our wonderful oily family, The Lemon Droppers, and grabbed the coconut oil. He mixed in some of this, some of that and mixed it all up. He combed that stuff into his beard constantly for days even after he had his picture taken. I will saw it worked. It was A LOT softer after and it was sooooo nice. In fact I think I need to tell him to go back to using it. Plus there is something SUPER sexy about seeing your husband grabbing the oils himself and making something. Hubba, hubba!