Thanksgiving found us in IL and KY. In IL we visited my family and also saw Erin and met baby Mackenzie finally. Monkey and her got along great and the boys loved the train restaurant we found ourselves eating at twice.
In KY we stayed with The Hubby's parents and Monkey had his first Thanksgiving! He enjoyed the food a lot and made sure all his body parts got a taste. Cat Boy decided he did not want to wear a shirt so he was a sexy beast for dinner. :)
Back at home we headed to Leonardtown to visit Santa. The Boy was excited and Cat Boy seemed excited too until it was our turn! He then ran away. Monkey did great and The Boy needed me to remind him what he wanted for Christmas. As we were leaving Santa handed us some candy canes and Cat Boy was once again ok with Santa. :)
Christmas was exciting. They boys took all day to open their presents since they wanted to play with everything as they opened it.
I had to open the rest of Cat Boy and Monkey's presents right before 5 since some friends were coming for dinner. Every year we do a prim rib roast and invite everyone that does not have family close to come and join us so no one is alone on Christmas. This year we had a 15lb roast!
Yesterday was The Hubby's 30th Birthday! On Sunday we threw him a surprise party and everyone had a great time. He was shocked.