Today The Boy had his very first flag football
practice. He was so excited (as was mommy). Each day he would ask how many sleeps till football and I would tell him and almost every day he would take out the football and want to
practice! So today was the big day and he did GREAT! Let me say though it was HOT HOT HOT out!
Here is him meeting the coach and getting ready for warm ups. For the first 15 mins or so he stuck next to a boy Liam he knows. Every time one of them would move to far away The Boy would scoot right back next to him. :)

Getting put into his first position. He was a receiver for this turn.

Each kid got a chance to wear the flags and run while the other kids tried to catch them! When The Boy was up he ran and would change directions when a kid was about to get him! When he was done he was so proud and yell out "MOM! MOM! I didn't let those kids get me!"

Then it was time to catch! He did the best in his group catching the ball every time. Then he ran over to me to get a drink while the coach was throwing to some other kids and when he went back it was break time so the coach
practiced with just him for a min and he missed 2 but
caught the rest! I was so proud!

All in all it was a great
practice! Except for the obnoxious dad who kept yelling at his kid! I mean COME ON they are 4 and 5! Never mind the fact that his kids name is the same so my poor kid kept looking thinking he was being yelled at! I swear before the season is over that guy is gonna have a few words said to him!