Thursday we walked up to the park. Rather I walked and They Boy and Cat Boy rode in the double stroller and Monkey was in the Mei Tai. It SEEMED like a good idea since it is only a tad over a mile but it is mostly uphill slightly. So pushing 80+ lbs in the stroller was a bit more then I was expecting especially since it was warmer then I thought. However we made it there and the kids had a blast.
They Boy went on the swings and asked to go "Highest high so I can go in the clouds." I grabbed his swing a few times while he was up in the air and let go and he just though that was the best!

Cat Boy found the little trees and spent a good chunk of time examining all the branches. As soon as he realized I was taking pictured he had to turn and say "CHEESE" each time! So much for candid pictures LOL.

Monkey of course just watched all the fun. I let him chill in the stroller to see if he wanted a nap but of course there was to much fun to watch to be bothered with sleep.

Cat Boy then got a hold of my camera and became a photographer. He even set the timer which I have NO CLUE how to due. LOL Here are some of his masterpieces.We call this one ode to my water

and this one is mommy REALLY needs a pedicure (hint hint to daddy LOL)