Monkey is 4 weeks old already! I can not believe it! It seems like he has been here forever. The Boy and Cat Boy still love him to death and The Boy has to talk to him and hold him a million times a day. Monkey has started smiling now and The Boy makes me ask him "where is The Boy's smile" while trying to get him to smile.
The Boy woke me up this morning wanting to do his letters. He is really big into learning them all the sudden. So we went over he 3 letters we have up on the wall A,B, and C. C has been giving him some issues but after telling him it was a C every 30 mins for the first few hours of the day he remembered and we got to move onto D. He was VERY excited. We have had the 3 letters up for a few months but he just did not care much so I did not push it. He knows some other letters thanks to his new favorite site. When he got bored with letters and stuff today he of course moved on to the Simpson's game on PS3.
Cat Boy was standing on the couch next to The Boy repeating the letters too. He may not talk much but he really is a smart little guy! He counts to 3 all the time and had been for months and repeats the numbers when I count out loud. He also can be heard saying 8,9 over and over while counting things. It usually goes 1,2, 3, mumble,mumble, 8,9,8,9,8,9. It is to cute! Today he has been walking around with his beanie baby puppy and making it do all sorts of things and barking. Better then last night when he put puppy in the siverware tray of the dishwasher and shut the door. I dunno maybe puppy needs a bath LOL.